How B2Bs can harness the power of social media marketing Social Media Marketing For B2Bs

Social media marketing has often been perceived as a more informal, relaxed space more suited to the B2C market. But this isn’t the case, and B2Bs should be using these platforms just as much as B2Cs for access to a world of increased brand awareness, engagement and lead generation.

Find the fun

B2B’s have to adapt their approach and messaging to fit in with different social media platforms and appeal to their users. Simply put, don’t be boring. Create content and visuals that are designed to entice, engage and delight to increase engagement and, thus, the visibility of your brand. Identify the things about your business that you want to promote in an exciting way and consistently seek to provide value to the target market you want to attract.

Keep it real

B2Bs that fail at social media usually do so because their content isn’t real enough. To combat this, try and humanise the brand to make it more relatable to your audience. You can do this in several ways, such as interviewing team members, giving day-to-day insights about your business, writing updates and articles in the first person and encouraging engagement and outreach by asking questions or using polls. This will spark a conversation with your audience and give you valuable insights into the minds of your customers and target market in the process.

Get the right person for the job

Getting the right person to take charge of all your social media efforts is essential, and getting this part wrong can seriously impact how effective your social media performance is. Here are a few notes on how to get your social media hiring right: 

● Having an expert in social media work on your strategy is more important than having an industry expert manage this for you – having a combination of the two is a real bonus! B2B social media is no easy feat, and it takes an absolute social media whizz to unlock its potential and make it work for you. 

● You need someone who understands that a mix of content is vital and that posting frequent sales messages on your platforms will not work. The right person needs to be able to make your content and visuals engaging and enticing, so copywriting and design skills are essential.

● Often, a social media agency is more effective than one individual. With more resources readily available, you’re more likely to get more ‘bang for your buck’ in terms of the experience that will be placed on your accounts, and, subsequently, the results you will enjoy.

Align your social media marketing with your content marketing strategy

Content marketing and social media go hand in hand, and it’s super important to ensure that your social media campaigns align with your content marketing objectives. Many B2Bs fail to do this, putting them at a significant disadvantage. 

Social media is a great way to increase omnipresence, raise awareness of your brand and encourage people to engage with your message, so long as it’s managed correctly. By following these few simple tips, you should be able to see a positive effect and begin using the right social media platforms for your business to its full potential.

Are you unsure where to start with social media marketing for your business? Would you like to talk about your strategy with a team of experienced social media marketers? Get in touch to arrange your free strategy call today! Book a call with Sophie here.

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